Rome, September 7th, 2022. One year after its establishment, Algoritmic® continues on its growth path, extending its consulting offer to insurance distribution and to the compliance of insurance intermediaries. It does so thanks to the entry of a new leading professional, well known for her skills on the Italian insurance market: Antonia Boccadoro.

Antonia Boccadoro Algoritmic's Founder

Antonia worked for 27 years at IVASS (Italian Institute for Insurance Supervision) as Head of the Service in the sectors of consumer protection, prudential supervision and supervision of distribution. She spent 11 years as general secretary of AIBA (National Association of Commerce of Insurance Brokers), where she provided support to the compliance structure of member brokers. She is currently the President of an Insurtech company and a co-author of some scientific and popular publications on insurance matters.

The innovative approach that distinguishes Algoritmic® has proved not only effective towards its customers but also attractive towards the best professionals on the market” says Paolo Botta Founder and CEO of the Company. “For this reason – continues Botta – I warmly welcome the entry of Antonia who has decided to accept – in the role of Founding Partner of Algoritmic® – this new professional challenge. Antonia will be entrusted with the new line of business which concerns advice on insurance distribution, both on the business side and on the intermediary side, as well as the compliance of insurance intermediaries.

“Antonia’s entry diversifies and integrates the skills and professionalism already present in Algoritmic®, and will certainly be able to ensure further acceleration of the company’s growth” comments Paolo De Angelis, Founder and CEO of the Company.

“Antonia’s skills” adds Nino Savelli, Founder and CEO of the Company “are a guarantee for our Customers that they will be able to find the same quality provided by Algoritmic® even in the new consulting areas that are completely complementary with the traditional Company’s offer system. “

Here you can find the press release.