Analytics & Artificial Intelligence
We collaborate with companies belonging to every type of industry, we help them to analyze and understand the large amount of data available, we build models that can replicate behaviors, and then we simulate the predictable results.
Analytics & Artificial Intelligence
Proposal Value
With our methodological approach we support the management of the dimension and complexity of the data available to the company, using the most advanced technologies for the analysis, enrichment, management, exploitation and visualization of big data.
The analysis methodologies can be applied to the most different areas: from the operational management of the business, to marketing up to the interaction with users (conversational interfaces) in all types of sectors.
What Can We Do
Privacy & Data Protection (GDPR)
The legislation on the protection of personal data, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) EU 2016/679, puts the protection of personal data and information security to the attention of companies, requiring public and private organizations to adopt advanced systems for the personal data protection.
Privacy & Data Protection (GDPR)
Proposal Value
The application of GDPR requires skills not only of a legal nature but also of an IT and organizational nature.
Algoritmic’s multidisciplinary teams helps clients transform and consolidate their processes by re-engineering them. Our goal is not just to help customers meet compliance needs, but to make privacy an essential part of the business value chain.
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